Shop By Store - Shop By Store
Your shopping list organized by the store you are headed to!

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Choose a List, Choose a Store

You have the option of choosing a single shopping list or viewing all of them at once, either way the list will be organized for you for easy shopping!  Once you have chosen a list, you can see how many items are at each of your stores.  If you are only planning on going to one store, this can help you decide which store that will be to ensure you can purchase the most amount of items there.


Your store will be organized by store area and if you are viewing multiple lists the shopping list name will be under the item name.  Tapping an item will move it to the "Purchased Items" section and below that will be the "Items not in this Store" section.  You can also tap the blue i button to access your items data (for example if you wanted to add the current store to an item in the "Items not in this Store section".

The trash button in the top right corner will remove all purchased items from your list which will also remove them from showing up on your Shopping List if you are using the "Show Only Items on List" option (otherwise they show up as "Purchased" items).

Shop By Store iTunes Link